100-300mm OIS Zoom lens! |
been considering purchasing another 300mm
lens which would be more suitable for casual
use, more compact, lighter and certainly
less of an obstruction in social settings.
I have a Panasonic GF1 micro 4/3rds (MFT)
digital camera that is very small, well
built and with it's external viewfinder
fitted, it remains compact in my shoulder bag.
This Lumix 100-300mm f4.0-5.6 OIS Lens could
be a good match for the GF1?
It would be compact and lightweight, perhaps not
that small but never the less the GF1 with
it's 12 Mpixels digital
sensor at 2x crop would provide the lens
with a 200-600mm 'field of view' and even
allow a 'small extra bit of cropping' in
post processing when required.
I admit that I have spent a long time
'chewing the fat' over this next step
in my photography. The
Lumix 100-300mm f4.0-5.6 OIS Lens makes a
lot of sense!
One or two forum users have mentioned that a
tripod will ensure 'optimum' image quality
when shooting at 300mm (600mm field of
view). This is especially true when the
weather is dull as at f8 (the optimum
aperture at 300mm) the ISO rating may have
to be raised quite a bit to obtain enough
speed in the shutter to avoid 'shake' even
with the lens image stabilisation. Obviously
the higher the ISO rating the less 'optimum'
image quality.
Matching MFT lenses
I already have two excellent lenses that
will fit very nicely into a medium sized
shoulder bag with the 100-300mm lens and my
GF1 -
* Panasonic Lumix 20mm f1.7 'Prime' Lens
* Panasonic Lumix 14-45mm f3.5-5.6 OIS Zoom Lens
For more information on my lenses, please click on my
GF1 Diary!
March 2011
I finally purchased a Panasonic Lumix 100-300mm
OIS Zoom
April 2011 - GF1 at
the Edinburgh Zoo
Last week-end I visited
Edinburgh Zoo with
my son, daughter-in law and my grandson
'Joshua' who is 10 months old. It was
the first time that I have used the GF1 and
the Lumix 100-300mm OIS Lens in a social setting and the combo was
brilliant. Great to carry around and it did not get in the way, a total
contrast to my DSLR and Canon 300mm f2.8 IS L Lens with monopod. I shot
a few pictures and the lens was most excellent.
100-300mm lens image stabilisation held good - this image was taken
'hand held' at
258mm (516mm field of view), ISO:800, shutter 1/125sec, aperture f5.4 and for a shot taken
indoors in low light, it turned out fairly well. I developed the 'RAW' file in Adobe Lightroom. Please click on the image for a 1,000 pixel size, click again
to come back to here.
This lens is a real 'blast' to use, compact, lightweight, even with the
lens hood on. The image quality with my small GF1 camera is great and
the balance is alright. Sure when you extend the lens out to 300mm on
the zoom it is not so discreet but still a lot less noticeable that a
large heavy white prime and a great deal more lightweight.
The Zoo is situated three miles to the
west of Edinburgh city centre and consists
of 82 acres of sloping parkland. You can
experience educational events and activities - ranging from keeper
talks through to hands-on animal encounters - and a wide-range of eating
experiences, several play areas, a fantastic gift shop as well as a free
hilltop safari. There are over 1,000 rare and endangered animals and
many different ways to enjoy your day out.
May 2011
Panasonic GF1 + Lumix G Vario 100-300mm f4.0-5.6 / Mega
OIS Lens - It is that time of year again and my
is alive with baby rabbits, all chomping away on my borders. My huts are
all sagging with their underground tunnels and I will have to get that 4
ton car jack out to straighten them up. Our 'Heinz 57 varieties' has
been trying to dig the rabbits out and running around the huts
expecting them to appear.
With the GF1 and the Lumix 100-300mm lens I now have a combo that I can
easily carry around
without straining my back. This
is a very accurate autofocus lens and I always use it 'hand held'.
I caught 'Tasha' with this shot and she was running very fast. I even
managed to get a brick wall in the image.
The other mutt, had to get in on the act but
is usually very difficult to capture due to his black coat. This one was
taken of 'Brad' at 600mm field of view with the Lumix 100-300mm, 'hand
I reduced the centre spot focus to a pinpoint
captured this image of these 'Ringnecks' high on the fir tree, there are
some trees in the background with the blue sky peeking through them.
I have been trying to get a shot like this for some time but never had a
lens 'easy to hand' to achieve it.
The Lumix 100-300mm delivers some great quality images and it
probably will be even better when fixed to a GH2 or even this new G3 that has been
released. Now I don't have to buy that portable hide and set up my other lens
like a machine gun to get some shots around here!
I have been trying for years to get some pictures of the buzzard who
hunts the rabbits in my back garden. She sits up on a large tree and
makes a hell of a din shouting on her mate. Buzzards 'crèche' their
offspring and most years she places one youngster in the
large sycamores but I never go near. Her favourite trick is to put a
slaughtered rabbit up on the roof of my house, while she hunts for more.
The reason for that behaviour........if it is
left lying on the grass, the fox will get it. The vixen often creeps around the
garden, hunting during the day, despite the fact that she is fed by me
nights, especially when she has young. The young foxes at Hermiston do
not last long, they are usually killed on the roadways.
Hermiston has its walking wounded and I
once had a young woodpecker
which was attacked by magpies living with me for a couple of weeks, hand
fed, I will never forget those screeches at dawn for his maggots. This
little girl has a deformed left paw, probably from falling out of a tree
when she was little. She gets a hand out every night and I know she is
hungry because squirrels usually bury their nuts but she sits and eats a
whole load at one sitting! God bless her, she is all worn down on one
side. This image was captured at
480mm 'field of view', ISO:1600 - shutter 1/60sec - aperture
f5.3, not perfect but not bad considering it was through glass
and 'hand held' at 1/60second. It was
a hurried shot and it has not been cropped.
A couple of years ago, I used my other combo, a Canon 450D, a 1.4x
teleconverter and the Canon 300mm f2.8 IS L Lens, t o take pictures of the
fox. It was rewarding but awkward to carry it around and use it
'hand held'. I have never managed to get any other decent images with it
as the size seems to frighten of the animals and birds. I can walk right
up to the buzzard but when she sees that big white lens, she is away!
I am very pleased with the Lumix 100-300mm, the handling with the GF1
and the image quality is very
impressive, considering it is a great deal less expensive than the
These images were all 'Raw' files and post processed in Adobe Lightroom. I have some zoo shots that contain images from both lenses,
the Lumix shots are near the end of the gallery..........Edinburgh Zoo
July 2011
These shots were taken whilst walking around Edinburgh and at my
home...........nothing special.
of the Charlie Chaplin (tramp) look alike
were taken in the High Street, the 'Royal Mile' of Edinburgh. The GF1 and
the Lumix 100-300mm zoom lens combo is excellent for distance shots in
the 'street' although the lens is not that discreet when fully extended.
This 1st shot was taken 'hand held' and the 'RAW' image was post processed
in Adobe Lightroom. The lens is awesomely sharp and showed up all the
blemishes on the face.
sharpness gave the image character but it was too much and spoilt the
look. I softened the face quite a bit and brought back the sharpness in
the eyes. In the background there is a dark pillar,
so I added some vignetting to soften it away and
place more emphasise on the face.
image was captured at
410mm 'field of view', ISO:200 - shutter 1/640sec - aperture f5.
The 2nd shot of 'Charlie' was also taken 'hand held' at
600mm 'field of view', ISO:200 - shutter 1/800sec - aperture f5.6
and post processed the same way but this time there was no vignetting
like the way the 100-300mm pulls in the scene and I captured this image
on the Calton Hill in Edinburgh. You can see the Firth of Forth in the
background and on the other side of the estuary you can see Fife.
The background is shimmering in the heat of the day but the main
subjects have come up extremely well for a 'hand held' shot, you can
even read the large writing on the sign.
This image was taken 'hand held' at
386mm 'field of view', ISO:200 - shutter 1/2000sec - aperture f4.9
and post processed in Adobe Lightroom. I applied the GF1 camera profile
and there was no other processing involved.
This next image was taken in my back
and was a very quick 'hand held' shot. The birds were in the wrong place
and there was a garden barrow on the right which ate into a 1/3rd of the frame so I cropped the image. I was surprised that
it held up but Adobe Lightroom processed it fairly well despite the
heavy cropping.
This image was taken at
600mm 'field of view', ISO:400 - shutter 1/250sec - aperture f5.6.
Mum seems unimpressed and you can see the blurring in the wings of the
baby as it screeches for food.
grass had grown a bit long but this shot of Brad came out rather nice as
a result.
This image was taken 'hand held' at
456mm 'field of view', ISO:400 - shutter 1/500sec - aperture f5.2.
It was a hurried shot as Brad does not like being photographed. He knows
what the camera is for.............he is expected to sit still and he
usually looks away just to annoy me.
The framing was slightly tight on the bottom of his legs and this is my
'major beef' with the external viewfinder of my GF1.
The viewing frame
is so small that it is sometimes very difficult for me to gauge the
accuracy of the scene within it. On this occasion, I just got away with
it but I have discarded other images where I have failed to square up
I recently peered through the viewfinder of the new Panasonic G3 micro
4/3rds camera which is 100% and built into the body, it is far
superior and very pleasant to use. I know that I should use my reading
glasses for my photography but I don't and I prefer to use the dioptre
adjustment in the GF1 external 'clip on' viewfinder...............not
the best way to progress.
Hermiston Buzzard - I finally
managed to get a half decent shot of the young buzzard in it's
'crèche' in the trees. It's mother leaves it there while she goes out
hunting in the fields for
When it gets hungry, it makes a loud 'kee' cry over and over again until
the mother returns. I grabbed this picture as it was in mid cry. This
image was captured at
600mm 'field of view', ISO:800 - shutter 1/125sec - aperture f5.6, not
perfect but not bad considering it was taken 'hand held' while I was
working in my yard and it was a
hurried shot. Its strange but as long as I was working the buzzard
ignored me but as soon as I stopped and raised the camera, it soon flew
away. I think it sensed the different body language and instinct kicked
The GF1 and the Lumix 100-300mm OSI Zoom lens makes for pleasurable
photography even although the light was not that great under the trees
at 6.40am in the morning.
Sure the image could be improved, if I set up a hide nearer
to the tree and waited with a flask of coffee, fixed up the tripod and
used my Canon 5D MKI DSLR with my Canon 300mm f2.8 IS L 'prime' lens to
take the picture but what a reasonable image I can get with the
GF1+100-300 zoom lens combo with no hassle.
The jpeg image was converted from a 'RAW' file post processed in Adobe
Lightroom. The image was cropped in by about 30%, producing a field of
view of about 800mm, noise reduction was applied and then sharpening. At
ISO:800 the crop, noise reduction versus image quality is not bad and
the full size picture is good for a 12" x 9" print.
The GF1 has it's limitations and this image would have been much better
if I had been using the new Panasonic G3 with it's 16 mega pixel sensor
which had more pixels for cropping and I know the G3 is as good at
ISO:1600 as the GF1 is at ISO:800, so the G3 would have given me a
faster shutter speed at ISO:1600 and the opportunity for a cleaner image
due to the faster speed.
For more information on my current GF1 - please visit my
GF1 Diary Article
I have some zoo shots that contain
further images,
the Lumix shots are near the end of the gallery..........Edinburgh Zoo
I have
rendered some images into Mpeg-4 video -
GF1+20mm Lens
Stills Video
If you have enjoyed this article - please donate to my
Charity of Choice -
The Sick Kids
Richard Lawrence
United Kingdom
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