At a young age, my mother told me that I had an over imaginative mind. I guess she was right, I have fought many a war in my dreams and in the morning, on wakening up, found myself exhausted.
I often slip dream,
wake up, and then
fall back into the
same dream. I very
often dream and yet
I know I am in a
dream and fight to
avoid waking up. I
am not alone, its
called Lucid
This book is
about those shadows
in the back of my
mind. Those
childhood memories
and vignettes of my
imagination that
often pop up out of
nowhere which often
bring a smile to my
I firmly believe
that those bright
happy memories
should be embraced
alongside those
bitter sweet
Each day, something
I see or read, acts
as a catalyst and I
write down my
thoughts on the
subject. Very often,
my imagination runs
riot and a vignette
pops up. Sometimes
it is too dark but
very often, it is
bright enough to
make it into this
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mentioned herein.
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