Last Updated -
3rd February 2022

I have always maintained my exercises for my 73 year old back but recently I was finding my legs starting to ache when sitting around in the house writing. My motorbikes are off the road and in the garage during the winter period and I usually avoid any cycling when the weather is bad; and in Scotland that is invariably the case.

A good friend recommended getting an exercise bike, one of those with the spinning flywheel for using indoors when I could not get out and about on my pedal cycle. I could even use it all year around when it is cold or it is raining.

I checked out the indoor exercise bikes on Amazon and was blown away by the choices available and at various prices. It was a nightmare trying to decide, so I took the easy way out and purchased the exercise bike that my friend was using.


It is the Jupgod Exercise Bike which cost £155.99 including vat and delivery. It is made in China and arrived after 4 days of ordering. I was dubious but my concerns relative to its build and finish were unfounded. The mechanicals, the build and finish were top notch. It arrived in a well padded brown box,
and it was a breeze to put together. The only time consuming part was adjusting the seat and handlebars for my arm and leg sizes. It is fully and easily adjustable using the locking hand wheels on the frame.

The Jupgod is rock solid on the carpet floor thanks to its well spread support bars and can be moved about by lifting the rear support bar and pushing/pulling the bike on its front wheels that engage when it is angled up. Sitting on the bike and cycling is also rock solid, the seat and the handlebars are well secured and do not move.

I also purchased a
Sony Xperia 5 III Smartphone to replace my old bog standard Samsung. The Xperia has a great camera and Pro Photography App. I also purchased an Amazfit GTR 3 Pro Watch to record my fitness exercises.





I get on the cycle shorts, trainers and I am off on my indoor travels. I even have a special holder which was supplied with the bike for my smartphone. I can stream cycling videos to watch while I exercise -